Building Faculty Engagement
Workshop Presented by: 

Tammy Barron, Scott Barron & John Storey

Date: Friday, April 27th 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Where: Lexington Christian Academy - North Campus 265 Lowell Street Lexington, MA 02420 
Tuition: $147

Grow Enrollment & Quality by Increasing Faculty Engagement

In our Building Faculty Engagement we share all of the best practices we've learned from schools across the U.S. to increase the commitment of teachers and staff to the larger goals of the school. 
Faculty engagement is the leading predictor of student and school growth because it has such an impact on parents and students. This is the most effective and least expensive marketing strategy you can use to grow enrollment.

What Happens When You Build Faculty Engagement?

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Achieve your enrollment, fundraising, and quality goals

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Enjoy more engaged and happy students, which produces engaged and happy parents

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Stronger faculty retention, reduced turnover, greater productivity, and higher efficiency

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Spend less time having to motivate and manage, giving you more time and less stress

Feedback from Other School Leaders Who Recently Attended This Workshop:

"This is exactly what my teachers need to hear. Thank you for being so direct yet so professional in your style. I can't wait to share these insights with my faculty and staff!"--School Administrator

"I never thought about how much influence I have as an administrator on the rest of the school and the bigger goals. You definitely made me think about it and take ownership of that."--Head of School

"We do need to be more intentional about training our teachers and staff on being ambassadors for the school, out in the community. I'm really looking forward to sharing this training with my school administrators."--Superintendent

"What I will remember most about this workshop is that re-enrollment is the responsibility of teachers and staff. That mindset has to be reinforced throughout the year and we're going to include this training in our PLC." --School Principal