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School Board Book: The Board Game by Dr. William Mott

Posted by Grace Lee on Jun 7, 2013 3:55:00 PM

Today I had the opportunity to interview Dr. William Mott, author of the book, The Board Game. Bill has many years of education experience as a school administrator, college professor, and development consultant. 

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Firing Well: An Example from Haralson County, GA

Posted by Grace Lee on Jun 6, 2013 1:45:00 PM

Last month I conducted a seminar called “3 Keys to Successful School Leadership,” with the 3 Keys being Hire Well, Fire Well and Engage the Donor. Thank you to the many people who shared encouraging notes and comments about this series. In regards to firing well, we have a recent example in the national media of the kind of consequences that ensue when an employee discipline issue is not handled well. In this case the consequences of poor communication were demoralizing and disruptive.

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Cheerios Illustrates Racial Realities that Schools Face

Posted by Grace Lee on Jun 3, 2013 4:26:00 PM

Cheerios is my favorite food group. According to my mother, they have been a favorite of mine since I was an infant. I go through a box of Apple Cinnamon Cheerios each week, so when they go on sale I usually stock up with a cart full. (Have you noticed how small those cereal boxes are getting--that's for another conversation.)

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Great Read for Christian Schools: "A Scent of Water"

Posted by Grace Lee on May 31, 2013 8:48:00 AM

A Scent of Water, by Edward Earwood and Phil Suiter, is one of the best written and researched books regarding Christian education that I have had the privilege of reading. Both of these authors have extensive experience in leading schools and school associations, so they've seen the ebbs and flows of board and administrative leadership.

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3 Keys to Successful School Leadership: Engage the Donor (3 of 3)

Posted by Grace Lee on May 28, 2013 9:57:00 AM

Engage the Donor is the third episode in the three-part series entitled, The 3 Keys to Successful School Leadership. At the most successful schools, fundraising isn't about selling stuff and managing events. Consultative relationship development with an ROI focus is most common among the organizations that raise the big bucks, with the board and administration collaborating to cultivate generosity throughout the school community.

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Should Schools Learn to Share?

Posted by Grace Lee on May 25, 2013 3:48:00 PM

Remember the book about the life-long value of what you learned in kindergarten? For example, sharing, playing nice with others, and taking naps. Did you know that "sharing" is not only a way to express kindness and love, but is also an effective way to save or more efficiently spend money? Public and private schools will benefit (and some survive) if they expand their capacity to share.

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3 Keys to Successful School Leadership: Fire Well (2 of 3)

Posted by Grace Lee on May 23, 2013 2:35:00 PM

Dealing with an underperforming employee is inevitable. Evaluation and, if necessary, dismissal can be accomplished in a manner that is constructive for the person and the organization. Fire poorly, however, and you will create consequences that are expensive, demoralizing and disruptive.

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MOOCs Will Eventually Change the Way K12 Schools Operate

Posted by Grace Lee on May 20, 2013 8:58:00 PM

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) will change the way K12 Schools deliver learning opportunities to students, faculty, and even parents because of the more efficient business model and the wider array of high quality options that can be offered.

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3 Keys to Successful School Leadership: Hire Well (1 of 3)

Posted by Grace Lee on May 18, 2013 9:52:00 AM

The video and select notes below are from the webinar, 3 Keys to Successful School Leadership: Hire Well (1 of 3)

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SCACS and School Growth Announce Agreement

Posted by Grace Lee on May 17, 2013 8:50:00 AM

Columbia, SC - The South Carolina Association of Christian Schools (SCACS) and School Growth LLC announce a new agreement that delivers a portfolio of strategic services to the association member schools, including priority access to international student enrollment, school board support, and professional coaching.

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