Ready to Grow?

Admission Waiting Lists Are Good for a School

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 30, 2013 7:33:00 AM

To Add or Not to Add: That is the question!

When the number of students who apply to a school exceeds the total amount of spots that are available (or capacity) in a grade or section, then a decision has to be made.

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International Enrollment and Travel Risk: $41M Verdict

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 22, 2013 10:18:00 AM

A federal jury in Bridgeport, CT, recently awarded $41.7 million in damages to a former student of The Hotchkiss School who participated in a class trip to China. The lessons learned from this verdict apply to schools that participate in both domestic and foreign travel, along with those schools that enroll international students. With this verdict, the threshold for negligence has changed and must be acknowledged in the policies and practices of every school.

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School Leader Insight from Australia

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 11, 2013 7:56:00 AM

A few days ago I had the opportunity to welcome 9 school leaders from Associated Christian Schools of Australia. They are on a learning journey to gather information from schools across the United States regarding all four areas of School Growth Re-Design: Governance, Administration, Operations, and Curriculum.

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Funding Strategy--BP Settlement for Schools in Gulf States

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 9, 2013 6:30:00 AM

Schools in Texas and Florida that border the Gulf of Mexico, along with schools anywhere in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana may be eligible to receive funds from the BP Deepwater Settlement.

This doesn't involve a lawsuit, nor is this government money with strings attached.

This settlement fund was established to rejuvenate the economy of the effected states, including non-profit organizations like schools and churches. 

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Teacher Math Doesn't Add Up

Posted by Grace Lee on Apr 6, 2013 4:37:00 PM

The Teacher Math Doesn't Add Up! Check out the recent scores from teacher evaluations in a few states around the US. 

  • 97% of Florida public school teachers deemed effective or highly effective

27% of Florida students are proficient in math and 28% in reading

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Finding Peace in the Principal's Office

Posted by Grace Lee on Mar 22, 2013 8:20:00 AM

Conflict resolution is one of the most stressful parts of the school administrator's job. It may be a teacher who is resistant to feedback, a student who has to be suspended or expelled, or perhaps a parent who is upset about a coach or thinks their student is perpetually being bullied. This is only a small sample of the daily conflicts that an administrator has to effectively navigate, and the emotional gravity of these decisions has a direct impact on the school culture and the personal health of the leader.

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TFA Classical School: Blue Ocean Strategy for Education

Posted by Grace Lee on Feb 3, 2013 8:37:00 AM

Interview with Steve Whitaker of The First Academy Classical School

When I first heard about the Classical School at The First Academy in Orlando I assumed they had created a “school-within-a-school” that featured the usual components of a classical school as described by the CiRCE Institute. After my recent interview with Dr. Steve Whitaker, Headmaster at TFA, however, I discovered a unique “Blue Ocean” strategy that is only one part of their consistent school growth over the last decade. 

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An After School Solution, Love to Learn with Intelligent Reader

Posted by Grace Lee on Feb 1, 2013 10:55:00 AM

The Teacher’s Guild is dedicated to providing quality programs that give all students access to the best instruction and curriculum. The Teacher’s Guild program Intelligent Reader utilizes curriculum widely used in private schools that is grounded in respected research on brain development and learning styles.

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Interview with Chris Carneal, President of Booster Enterprises

Posted by Grace Lee on Jan 22, 2013 11:26:00 AM

Interview with Chris Carneal, President of Booster Enterprises

Raising money for schools is a job that most people try to avoid, but Chris Carneal has grown Boosterthon into a successful business helping public and private elementary schools fund their plans. As the President and Founder of Booster Enterprises, Chris is the originator of The Fun Run--a high energy event that includes fitness, character building, and active learning. 

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Wenlai Chinese Students Visit U.S. Schools in GA and SC

Posted by Grace Lee on Jan 17, 2013 8:41:00 AM

School Growth is hosting a student delegation this week from Wenlai International School in Shanghai, China. The students will visit select schools in Georgia and South Carolina that are members of the School Growth International School Association. These students will be enrolling in a US independent school in the fall of 2013 to complete their high school studies in preparation for application to an American university. 

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