Ready to Grow?

Is Ungrace Limiting Your Growth

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 22, 2015 12:57:46 PM

Every school goes through rocky periods, where conflict causes hurt feelings, dissension, and division. In such difficult times, how can you minimize the emotional and cultural damage in order to sustain your noble mission? What is the best way to model the utmost in leadership? Is a pattern of "ungrace" limiting your growth potential?

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Topics: School Culture, Leadership

5 Ways to Increase Loyalty and Enrollment

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 20, 2015 10:52:39 PM

How important is loyalty among your faculty and families? Critical, right? Then it just makes sense to invest the time and resources to deepen and strengthen those relationships.

One of the best at building loyalty with clients was Harvey McKay, author of the book, How to Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive. He developed a precise system for collecting information that helped him truly know his clients at a deeper level, and he used this data to engage them in meaningful conversation, to acknowledge special events and milestones, and to express genuine care.

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Topics: Administration, School Growth, Leadership

Teachers Change the World

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 2, 2015 10:01:14 AM

Arnold Anderson has a reputation--he's actually notorious. He's a math teacher at Roosevelt Elementary School in New Brunswick, NJ, who was tardy over 110 times in the last two school years. As reported in the Courier News ("Teacher keeps $90K job after being late 111 times"), due to his 14 years of experience and the local public school compensation schedule, Mr. Anderson is very well paid at over $90,000 in salary and benefits.

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Topics: School Culture, Teacher Quality, Current Events, Faculty

Summer School Reflections from 2015

Posted by Scott Barron on Aug 31, 2015 11:04:59 AM

The summer of 2015 will be remembered for many reasons:

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Topics: School Growth

Marketing Strategies Your School Needs ASAP

Posted by Scott Barron on Aug 23, 2015 10:05:06 PM

Trying to figure out how to spend your marketing dollars to maximize enrollment for 2016-17? If not you, you'll want to soon. Marketing is far less random and much more scientific than it once was. School growth is achieved by staying ahead of the marketing curve--here are seven easy marketing strategies your schools should implement ASAP!

1. Focus on Who You Are

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is trying to compete based on the strengths and/or strategies of other schools in your market. Focus on who you are and the value proposition that you offer. Discovering what your target market wants is important, but you can also go out of business listening to parents and students. Your mission and authentic brand is your greatest asset--seek to build stronger relationships with those families who believe what your believe.

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Topics: Communication, Marketing

Leadership Insights from the Tom Brady Email Leak

Posted by Scott Barron on Aug 13, 2015 12:38:49 PM

What would you do if your personal emails were exposed to the world? Could some of the comments you made in "private" be misconstrued or become downright embarrassing? Let's look at at some leadership insights from the Tom Brady email leak by Roger Goodell and the National Football League.

Part of the NFL's investigation of the alleged deflation of footballs by the New England Patriots in last season's playoffs included the confiscation and release of personal email exchanges between Tom Brady and some friends. A few emails that received relentless media and social media attention regards the never-ending comparison between Brady and Peyton Manning, and Brady's desire to be the best.

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Topics: School Culture, Leadership

Families Want Payment Options

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 27, 2015 8:51:26 AM

Both public and private schools are trying to increase revenues while also making it easier for families to pay fees and/or tuition. Increasing costs, especially for personnel, have prompted more schools to increase tuition or impose fees on students who enroll in certain classes and almost any extracurricular activities.

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Four School Survey Questions from the LA Lab

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 26, 2015 5:02:30 PM

At the School Growth Innovation Lab in Los Angeles last week I was reminded of the importance of knowing families in our target community at a deeper level. As we considered the characteristics, fears, and goals of these families, our attention turned to more effectively learning from them and adjusting the value proposition of the school to sustainably grow quality and enrollment.

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Topics: School Design

Questions to Learn from Your Target Market

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 18, 2015 1:51:26 AM

During the School Growth Lab in Los Angeles today we discussed how to learn faster and more effectively from the target market in order to gain the attention of families and grow. After all, schools can certainly master the best practices of a learning organization, right?

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Topics: School Design

Health Care Tax Credit Available to Qualifying Schools

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 14, 2015 1:44:39 PM

Health Care Tax Credits Could Benefit Your School

By Justin Elanjian & Thomas Prevatt,
HA&W CPAs and Business Advisors

Your school may be eligible for tax credits that will be a blessing to tightening budgets. There isn't a downside or risk to applying for this credit. The biggest problem is that too few schools know about it and go through the process to claim it.

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Topics: Administration

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