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Should Academic Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Widely Available?

Posted by Scott Barron on Jan 5, 2015 9:47:37 AM

Baltimore Ravens defensive lineman, Haloti Ngata, returned Sunday from his four game suspension by the NFL for violating the league's ban on performance-enhancing substances. His drug of choice: Adderall. This amphetamine is banned by every major sports organization because it provides many competitive benefits to athletes. Phillies catcher Carlos Ruiz received a 25-game suspension for using Adderall last season, and NASCAR driver AJ Allmendinger was also punished for such use.

What's so attractive about these drugs that are typically used to treat ADD/ADHD? They are believed to increase alertness, focus, and attention. Reaction time may be decreased, particularly when tired, and some find that it increases mental performance.

Athletic vs Academic Advantage

Multiple studies have shown students can achieve improved memory and focus when taking drugs such as modafinil, Ritalin, or Adderall, with manageable negative side effects. Even though these medications are supposed to be only available through a doctor's prescription, willing suppliers can be easily found online. According to Kieron Monks in the article, "Are 'smart pills' the best way to stay sharp?" these drugs "are more effective than caffeine, and represent progress based on improved understanding of biology and brain function."

So it's no surprise that such medications have become extremely popular throughout high school and college campuses. Regardless of school policies, a growing percentage of students are regularly using them to prep for exams to gain from these same benefits. While they may temporarily increase the ability to focus, and reduce the need for sleep, there is questionable proof they increase grades or performance.

What we do know is that such stimulants increase blood pressure and heart rate. At high doses and with repeated use, greater risks of stroke, feelings of hostility, and anti-social behaviors emerge. The often induced lack of sleep and poor nutrition also contribute to major health issues. Around exam season, emergency room visits spike for students who have misused some combination of such drugs and other stimulates.

The challenge for school administrators, of course, is should academic performance enhancing drugs be widely available?

Serious concerns regarding the short- and long-term effects remain, but establishing policies is difficult because students already use "supped up" energy drinks and similar over-the-counter supplements to stay more alert. For years some have argued that access to so-called "smart drugs" for exams should be viewed as a valuable benefit and available to all students.

What is your school's policy regarding the use of such performance enhancers? Based on what principles will you make these decisions? What would have to be true in order for your school to legalize them?

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Topics: Administration, Current Events

Overcoming Jack Sparrow Syndrome for Superintendent Leadership

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 12, 2014 9:58:32 AM

Have you heard the one about the Superintendent who became a pirate? It's a scary tale, but the lessons learned must be shared for the benefit of others like yourself.

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Topics: Webinar, Administration, School Culture, Teacher Quality

School Culture is Your Advantage or Your Adversary

Posted by Scott Barron on Dec 3, 2014 3:00:06 AM

A few weeks ago I spoke at the Free-Enterprise Leadership Summit at Northwood University in West Palm Beach, Florida. Having visited that beautiful city many times, I confess that I had not heard of this fine school where they brag often about their commitment to entrepreneurship and that Rollie Massimino is the men's basketball coach.

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Topics: Administration

Accelerated School Improvement Through Coaching

Posted by Scott Barron on Nov 25, 2014 8:58:53 AM

Similar to successful business executives, more school administrators and board members are achieving accelerated school improvement through coaching. They are learning to rapidly overcoming the learning curve and navigate the challenges to reach higher performance and results.

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Topics: Administration, Leadership

Thales Academy is a Model of Efficiency

Posted by Scott Barron on Nov 3, 2014 8:20:50 AM

A gutsy business executive in Raleigh, North Carolina, designed a private school that delivers a quality education for around $5,000. This innovative design has been replicated to four campuses so far, and even greater expansion is planned.

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Topics: Administration, School Design, Faculty, Culture

The Problem with Conservative School Boards

Posted by Scott Barron on Sep 26, 2014 9:59:54 AM

Some students and parents in the Jefferson County school district near Denver, Colorado, area are mad. The conservatives on the board have sparked a strong debate in their community, but it's a struggle that is occurring in many other states as well.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

5 Reasons Why Your School Is Not Growing

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 16, 2014 12:04:46 PM

Yesterday's School Growth Webinar focused on one of the toughest challenges for school leaders: Strategic Planning. Over the last ten days we received coaching requests from at least four schools that are trying to figure out whether they will be able to survive the upcoming school year. Changes in their local economy/market and a variety of other school design issues have put the leaders of these schools in a very difficult situation. As we've worked with schools across the globe, those that are not growing consistently exhibit similar traits.

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Topics: Communication, Administration, School Design

Banned From Graduation

Posted by Scott Barron on Jul 3, 2014 9:43:16 AM

The graduation ban is one of the tools used by schools to enforce disciplinary action or academic quality. Whether to use this method of discipline is often a very difficult decision for school administrators because of the extreme emotions involved and the life-long impact. Why are some students banned from graduation?

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Topics: Administration, Legal, Current Events, School Law

Advice for a New School Administration

Posted by Scott Barron on Jun 26, 2014 10:57:38 AM

Recently we began coaching a school leader who has accepted the role of chief administrator. This is his first time serving in such a capacity so he's trying to start off with momentum in the right direction.

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Topics: Administration, Board Culture

School Innovators Have B.I.G. Ideas

Posted by Scott Barron on Jun 16, 2014 9:05:16 AM

Brad Soden had a problem. His wife was paralyzed after a car accident, so she was unable to accompany he and the kids on camping trips. So did he listen to the many "experts" who told him he couldn't solve this problem by building an off-road wheelchair? Of course not!

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Topics: Administration, Leadership

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