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7 Traits of High Performing Boards

Posted by Grace Lee on Nov 22, 2013 7:22:00 AM

High performing schools consistently have high performing boards.

The Sustaining Board understands that culture always trumps structure. Much of the discussion around boards is about committees, officers, the chain of command, etc. Those elements are important and should be wisely structured. You can have great structure with lousy culture, however, which will have a long-term negative impact on the institution.

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Topics: Board Culture

Leader Fined $10K: How to Avoid School Board Conflict of Interest

Posted by Grace Lee on Nov 14, 2013 8:11:00 AM

How serious is declaring and managing conflicts of interest among board leaders? It's a big deal: Missouri Ethics Commission fines former Rockwood School Board member $10,000! Instead of recusing himself, a board member was voting on construction contracts that directly benefitted him and his company. An audit of the books revealed that this board member voted for $2.7 million worth of projects, with some portions being awarded to his contracting company.

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Topics: Board Culture

Communication Habits that Impact Board Culture

Posted by Grace Lee on Oct 28, 2013 6:40:00 AM

Effective communication is crucial at every level of the organization, especially within and from the school board.

The ability to communicate effectively isn't natural to many people, but it is a skill that can and should be improved by everyone. The way each board member communicates with peers, the chief administrator, the faculty and staff, parents and students, and the community sets the tone for the culture of the board and the entire organization.

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Topics: Communication, Board Culture

The 7 Habits of a Sustaining School Board

Posted by Grace Lee on Oct 7, 2013 7:46:00 AM

School quality in the U.S. is directly influenced by the leadership habits and results of the school board. The school board is ultimately responsible for the education of children in its community, making decisions that affect the lives of students, parents, teachers, other school/district employees, and the whole community. This is a new day for the board: For the first time in the history of the school board, these leaders will be responsible for governing a classroom they have never seen nor personally experienced.

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Topics: Events, Board Culture

5 Keys for Unlocking School Board Assessment

Posted by Grace Lee on Jul 29, 2012 10:10:00 PM

How do you measure the quality of a school board? How can a board know that it's doing the right things and is fulfilling its duties?

The importance of the school board cannot be overstated - The school will rise or fall based on the qualityof its board. The board sets the tone for the school through its navigation of several polarities, including:

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Topics: Board Culture

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