2021 is Off to a Great Start
The first quarter of 2021 is almost complete, and it's been a great start to what we believe will be one of the most exciting years in school leadership.
You've been walking through a hard journey while carrying a heavy load, making it hard to look beyond the challenges of each day. Getting through it was a little easier when you kept your head down and just tried to put one foot in front of the other.
Left, right. Left, right. Keep going ...
But you've reached a point now when you need to look up, check your direction, and make sure you're on the right path.
Courageous school leaders like you are looking up, moving beyond pandemic management and school improvement to find a better path forward--one that is more successful, more joyful, and more sustainable.
It's time to refocus and re-energize your leadership, faculty, and families with a plan to achieve something greater.
Board & Leadership Retreat
We designed and facilitated several Board and Leadership Retreats in this first quarter of 2021. The agenda for each was customized for their organization, creating a unique experience to build a deeper understanding about effective leadership and culture.
We focused on training to understand the challenges of growing schools today, how to more effectively engage faculty and families, and the sequence of steps available to achieve sustainable excellence.
"I've been on this board for over 20 years and that was the best training we've ever had."--Board Member
"Today was great! I've heard several very positive comments and am extremely encouraged."--Head of School
We have more leadership and board retreats scheduled this spring with schools that are elevating their vision to grow and create a better future. Would a retreat enable your team to reflect and renew in preparation for growth this year?
Let's All Grow Together
Some schools are part of an association, conference, or diocese. So why not make the commitment to all grow together?
For example, the Superintendent of the Southeastern Conference of SDA schools and the Superintendent of the Diocese of Baton Rouge each decided to provide to all of their schools the resources and guidance to craft a Strategic Growth Plan. They are already seeing the benefits!
Igniting a movement takes courage and commitment, raising the bar system-wide through collaborative learning and mutual accountability. We're excited to welcome so many new innovative educators to the School Growth Network.
Strategic Growth Plan to Reinvent the Future
Schools face complex challenges as they adapt to the realities of families today and local economic factors and competition.
Sometimes the planning process involves subtle adjustments, and in other situations a more comprehensive approach is required--one that combines best practices from education, entrepreneurship, business, human resources, and marketing.
The world around is changing fast and you want to stay relevant and impactful. Have you reached a point where nearly every aspect of the organization needs to be re-evaluated? Some of our members are on a Strategic Growth Plan journey where they're rediscovering the core of who they are and why their work is so important.
WHO you are and WHY you exist is the foundation on which you build HOW and WHAT you do.
You are the living curriculum, and your students won't learn how to dream if you don't lead inspirationally and relationally. With experienced support and the right tools, you can start dreaming again.