The Art and Science of Learning: An Interview with Dr. Barbara Oakley
One of the great joys of growing our global network of educators is learning about the inspiring stories of some who achieve a high level of mastery and then dedicate themselves to making the journey much easier for others who follow.
Consider the profound impact of Dr. Barbara Oakley. She is the epitome of a lifelong learner: she served in the military as a translator, met her husband while doing research at the South Pole, designed the 3rd most popular MOOC, has written numerous articles and books to make learning easier and more accessible, serves as a professor of engineering at Oakland University, and speaks all around the world.
Her work has significantly influenced the field of education and personal development.
You can imagine my excitement about the opportunity to have a conversation with her for our Educators Among Us podcast!
If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often
forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and
it may never be enough; Give the
world the best you've got anyway.
— Mother Theresa
Dr. Barbara Oakley is a pioneer in the field of education, but her path to get there was highly unusual. She’s a pioneer because she never quit learning. She never stopped trying to find a better way. And her influence has changed so many lives!
Pioneers are necessary because they are the people who courageously summon the ambition to defeat the obstacles that surely develop when moving in a new direction. They see possibilities that others don't and then invest the resources and take risks to make dreams become reality.
I had the opportunity to talk with Dr. Oakley. Her passion for others shines through, and her hope for a brighter tomorrow is brighter than ever.
Real courage is when you know you're
licked before you begin, but you begin
anyway and see it through no matter what.
— Harper Lee
Pioneering educators often challenge the status quo and risk ridicule from others because we believe there is a better way.
We learn what must be learned to create new pathways for others who are coming.
We fight against everything and everyone that tells us to just give up and give in.
We share our knowledge and expertise to teach others and enable greater success.
Dr. Oakley's enthusiasm for finding new ways to teach and learn is truly inspiring and worth exploring.
Teachers are always trying to inspire people
to do better, to learn, to grow. That's what we do.
— Nick Saban
Educators today are some of the luckiest people in the world because we get to be pioneers in a new age of teaching, learning, and leading schools. In the first twenty-five years of the 21st century, schools adapted to a faster pace of change. That dynamic pace will accelerate over the next few years, providing new opportunities for systemic problem-solving, improved instructional strategies, and other forms of adaptation.
Pioneers are pioneers because they courageously move into uncharted territory, knowing there will be big risks. No one makes it through unscathed, but we're willing to do so out of a deep love.
A love that motivates us to do it anyway and always give them the best we've got.
Learning and growing is what we do, so resist the internal and external urges to give up, my friend, and then do it anyway!
Quotes shared on LinkedIn about Dr. Oakley in response to our interview:
"Love Barbara Oakley I truly believe that all teachers should read AND take Barbara’s course Learning How to Learn. It is a staple for understanding learning." -- Kelly Schuster-Paredes, Co-Host of Teaching Python Podcast
"Dr. Oakley is why I am an engineer. She pushed me and helped me learn in a different way."
-- Derek Wrathell, Program Consultant at General Motors
"[Dr. Oakley] is an extraordinary educator who knows how to speak to adult learners and break down complicated theories into useful, applicable information. I highly recommend her course and books." -- Maria P., Instructional Designer