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That Personal Touch

Our daily interactions with people vary in terms of the qualities of the encounter.  On campus and in the community, some people have unique attitudes and skills. They have that personal touch.

When we describe an artist, an athlete, or an educator as having that special touch, we see there's a difference in how that person connects with others and does the work with particular attention. They are the ones who highly value relationships and community, so they invest the time and effort to take care of those extra details that add a notable personal touch.

Educators who love what they do have greater joy and are more effectivethey know how to unleash potential through that personal touch that models love.



Too often we underestimate the power of
a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear,
an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around. 
— Leo Buscaglia

We visited a couple of schools this month to facilitate board and leadership retreats for training and strategic planning. One school left a large basket in our hotel room with lots of goodies and school spirit items.

It was a personal touch that we thoroughly enjoyed and made our visit with them even more memorable.

This also applies in recruiting strategy. Our School Growth members understand the need to be more competitive in their value proposition at attract talented educators, so they have created a very intentional experience for prospective employees during the campus visit to connect and differentiate. They use that personal touch to stand out from others. 

At the touch of love
everyone becomes a poet.
— Plato

To say we love isn’t a casual exaggeration. It’s a deep and devoted commitment. Love is even a force that powerfully drives behavior, and yet too few schools are pursuing how to elevate their capacity to love educators, students, families, etc. Perhaps we don’t value love enough—it's certainly a missing piece in the typical school improvement plans. 

Data from surveys, online reviews, social media, and focus groups is used by smart schools to reveal gaps, solve hard problems, and grow a healthier school culture.

That personal touch communicates positive reinforcement, builds confidence, and deepens trust with colleagues and students because we all need those meaningful connections.

I touch the future.
I teach. 
— Christa McAuliffe

We touch them by being prepared and anticipating needs, risks, and opportunities. 

We touch them by showing up at the right time and the right place to fiercely deliver.

We touch them by adapting our plans and finding better solutions for the present.

We touch them by humbly honing our expertise as we practice the art and science
of education in a manner that provides the optimal conditions for them to thrive. 

You were created in love, to love, for love, my friend, so please underestimate the power of your personal touch. 

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