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Is the Energy and Engagement of Your Faculty Limiting Your Growth?

Hi, My Friend!

Did you know that only 3% of student achievement in your school is influenced by the credentials and experience of your faculty? The other 97% is driven by their talent, energy, and especially engagement*. But how do you increase engagement?

That's why we created the Building Faculty Engagement Workshop, to encourage teachers and staff to appreciate the value of the bigger picture goals of the school: Enrollment, fundraising, community outreach, etc. Wouldn't it be great if teachers actually wanted to attend open house?

Last week we taught this unique workshop to schools in California, Tennessee, and Connecticut. Believe it or not, both the administrators and the faculty were enthusiastic at the conclusion of each session. Want to know why? I'll tell a free webinar on Tuesday, January 24, at 11:00 AM ET. 

In the upcoming webinar I'm going to train you to deliver the Building Faculty Engagement Workshop with all of the employees on your campus. That's right, we're going to give it to you free with no strings attached. Why? Because we've seen the difference that it can make for schools and for students. And we geniunely want to help you grow.

The one hour webinar this Tuesday will give you the tools you need to inspire a higher level of enthusiasm and commitment. You can share this training anytime throughout the year. It works. It's easy. And it's FREE

What are you waiting for? Sign up for the webinar today!

Keep Growing, 


*Dan Goldhaber, The mystery of good teaching, Education Next (2002)

Building Faculty Engagement Workshop

Start 2017 with Greater Unity & Commitment

MHCS Jan 2017 Fac Eng.jpg


This picture is from an online Faculty Engagement Workshop that we shared last week. Using video conferencing we were able to create an interactive learning experience that fostered greater communication between the faculty and administration, and helped everyone gain a better understanding of their contribution to the school's success.

*Remember to enroll for the free Webinar

Are your board members and donors expecting you to produce faster results? 

The School Growth Innovation Workshop has enabled hundreds of school leaders to do just that: Learn faster, focus better, and produce more effective improvement results like successful entreprenuers on your board and among your donors. And we've made it very affordable for you to bring a team to Atlanta for two days of training and planning. This is how you gain an advantage over your competition and overcome the barriers that keep you from achieving that next level of excellence.

Click the button below to get the details on the upcoming
Innovation Workshop, March 7-8, 2017. 


We guarantee we'll help you find a way forward.

How Committed are You to Grow?

Scott-Barron-Yabwi.pngMy Friend, have you noticed that some people just seem to "get'er done" more than others. They innately know how to collaboratively map out a plan and then execute it beyond expectation.

We've had the privilege of providing training and coaching services to Deborah Orr and her leadership team at Notre Dame Academy. I've seen very few people with her level of energy and decisiveness, which is why this school has made so much progress over the last decade. CLICK HERE to learn more about their success story.

The learning plans we've created together for 2017 will sustain their momentum, enabling the administration and school board to pursue the mission with greater unity and skill.
May your year be likewise blessed with clarity and focus.

Keep Growing!


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