Listen to your families--The best way to create greater value and grow
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Opportunities for You to Achieve School Growth


Listen Better to Grow Enrollment

You have different tools for listening: electronic surveys, interviews, observations, social media, etc. But how can you more accurately hear what current and prospective families are really saying, thinking, and feeling? The best way to improve your knowledge and understanding of families in your target market is to consciously make the effort to hear not only their words, but, more importantly, Read More


3 School Leadership Tips from Barbara Daush

To be the best it makes sense to learn from the best. Barbara Daush has served as the President at St. Agnes Academy - St. Dominic School for the last 22 years. Barbara is a professional who models the utmost in determination and class. Her energy and enthusiasm are contagious, enabling her to build a wide network of influence and impactWatch the Full Interview


Building Engagement to Grow Enrollment  (Featured Download)

Active participation by Faculty and Parents in the admission process is a key advantage for the most successful schools. They know how to equip, mobilize, and motivate their constituents to work with the admission office to collaboratively achieve the goals. January through April is the critical and most stressful period for engaging applicants. Learn what processes must be in place to maximize enrollment. Download Now


Upcoming Workshops & Labs

Houston (Jan 28) Jacksonville FL (Feb 2) Miami (Feb 4) Nashville (Feb 17)San Antonio (Mar 8) Dallas (Mar 10)
Jacksonville FL (Feb 2) Miami (Feb 4) Memphis (Feb 8)  
Charleston (Mar 4) San Antonio (Mar 8) Dallas (Mar 10)
San Francisco (Feb 25-26) Charleston (Mar 3-4)

To Schedule a Workshop or Lab Exclusively
for your Campus call (855) 444-7698


Distraction is Killing You--Learn Deep Work

Want to maximize your productivity and effectiveness? Learn and practice these tips shared in Time Magazines, "5 Secrets to Managing Your Time, Backed by Research." (12/1/15)
1. Don’t schedule distractions first. Schedule Deep Work, making it a priority and giving it dedicated time. Avoid scheduling distractions and then hoping to fit in highly productive work where you can. Invert your schedule! Block out time for deep work.
2. Keep a Scorecard of the time spent doing deep work.
3. Say "No" more often to stay focused on doing deep work.
4. Develop Rituals that support Deep Work.
5. Gain Agreement on the Value of Deep Work.
Focus is the new IQ.”
Keep Growing!



Scott E. Barron
Founder & Chief Reinvention Officer


School Growth Innovation Partners

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